Reporting Ninja - Analyzing Assassin
Reporting Ninja sneaks in, slices through data, and leaves behind reports and results after disappearing through the mists of the night without a whisper of sound. Well, close, but Reporting Ninja is on 24/7, and offers results in an easy to understand format for analysts and customers alike. Reporting Ninja is one of many solutions that can be added onto Google Analytics that will help analysts deliver more results with less turnaround time ("Apps Google Analytics Partner Services and Technologies", 2018). Reporting Ninja offers the analyst a chance to schedule reports and email them to the clients without the need for the analyst to intervene ("Adwords reporting, PPC & Analytics reporting tool | Reporting Ninja", 2018). Cultural appropriations aside, Reporting Ninja is a solution offered for Google Analytics to enable analysts to create custom reports for customers without needing to build reports themselves ("Apps Google Analytics Partner Services ...